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10-Day Basic Course

The basic course introduces you to the technique of Vipassana meditation. Whether you have attended a Vipassana course in the past or are new to the technique, we start with the basics.


Over 10 days we practice two hours daily. While challenging, an intensive practice period is necessary to get a glimpse into the deeper benefit of Vipassana meditation and learn the technique properly.


The course emphasises bringing the practice into your life, off the cushion. As such, the schedule is designed to fit within your everyday schedule.

Course Overview

Day 0 Friday

Evening Guided Meditation in your own time

Theory Video: Walking and Sitting Posture


Day 1 Saturday

Morning Guided Meditation in your own time

Theory Video: Introducing Meditation: Sila, Samadhi, Panna

Q&A conducted via ZOOM* (10AM CET) 

Q&A conducted via ZOOM* (12PM Noon EST / 6PM CET

Evening Guided Meditation in your own time


Day 2 Sunday

Morning Guided Meditation in your own time

Theory Video: Cultivating Samadhi in Walking and Sitting

Evening Guided Meditation in your own time


Day 3 Monday

Morning Guided Meditation in your own time

Theory Video: The Middle Way - The Right Effort in Practice

Evening Guided Meditation in your own time


Day 4 Tuesday

Morning Guided Meditation in your own time

Theory Video: Introducing Vipassana meditation and the Noting technique

Evening Guided Meditation in your own time


Day 5 Wednesday

Morning Guided Meditation in your own time

Q&A conducted via ZOOM* (10AM CET) 

Q&A conducted via ZOOM* (12PM Noon EST / 6PM CET

Evening Guided Meditation in your own time


Day 6 Thursday

Morning Guided Meditation in your own time

Theory Video: Delusion and Ignorance

Evening Guided Meditation in your own time


Day 7 Friday

Morning Guided Meditation in your own time

Theory Video: Experiential Wisdom: Awareness & Equanimity

Evening Guided Meditation in your own time


Day 8 Saturday

Morning Guided Meditation in your own time

Q&A conducted via ZOOM* (10AM CET) 

Q&A conducted via ZOOM* (12PM Noon EST / 6PM CET)  

Evening Guided Meditation in your own time

Day 9 Sunday

Morning Guided Meditation in your own time

Theory Video: Bringing the Practice off your Cushion

Evening Guided Meditation in your own time


Day 10 Monday

Morning Guided Meditation in your own time

Theory Video: Continuing the Practice



*ZOOM sessions are recorded for those who cannot attend live.

Course Requirements

Follow the 5 precepts during the course

The 5 Precepts are five guidelines for behaviour that will create the right conditions for meditation practice.

1. Abstain from Killing

2. Abstain from Stealing

3. Abstain from False Speech

4. Abstain from intoxicating Substances

5. Abstain from Sexual Misconduct


Create the space and time to do your daily meditations

A quiet and comfortable space to meditate in the morning and evening where distractions are at a minimum. You can sit in a chair, cross-legged or in the kneeling position. We recommend not squeezing everything you normally do into these 10 days or the meditations will quickly turn into "another thing on the to-do list". Perhaps that means cutting back on usual activities or use of technology in order to learn this technique properly. 


Do your best to attend or watch the talks & Q&A sessions

These will help you understand how and why we are practising.


What is NOT required?
You don't need to have the perfect lotus posture or even sit cross-legged to learn meditation.
You don't need to maintain Noble Silence for this course. The course is designed to fit within a daily life and the value of this course is also to learn how to practice Vipassana amidst your life.
If any further Questions remain, please refer to our FAQ.



Samatha meditation is a practice of 'calm abiding'. We allow the mind to settle in its own time. We resolve to stillness and relaxation in the body and mind. The meditation object for these days will be the breath at the belly or elsewhere if you prefer. There is the option of using gentle mental labels of "rising" and "falling" to stay with the moment-to-moment experience of breathing. 



Vipassana is the practice of seeing Mind and Body clearly. We practice to develop our awareness and equanimity of all phenomena of Mind and Body. Through the mere awareness, clear knowing of moment-to-moment experience, insight into the nature of these phenomena is cultivated. The practice is to keep dropping the habit of chasing, struggling, resisting, manipulating, holding or pushing and pulling on experience and continue to be with what is without interference, just noticing.



Metta is the practice of friendliness or loving-kindness. By giving some time after each session devoted to Metta we learn to dedicate our practice to the benefit of all beings and cultivate the wholesome quality of Metta within us. Metta is not the primary focus of this course.


Walking and Sitting Meditation

In this course, we guide participants to practice 30 minutes of walking meditation, followed by 30 minutes of sitting meditation. Walking meditation is a wonderful and often unappreciated practice that develops mindfulness of the body and helps to bridge the sitting practice to our more ordinary state of everyday consciousness. It also prepares the body and mind for the sitting meditation in which there is opportunity to go develop higher levels of concentration.


If you still have questions, write us an email.

Or join our very low-volume mailing list to be informed about future courses and open live sessions. 10-day courses run every 2 months.
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